Coupling network CN_XX

IEC / EN 61000-4-16

As described in EN 61000-4-16 at the frequency of the electrical power supply (either DC, 16,67 Hz, 50 Hz or 60 Hz) the test stimuli are applied as both continuous and short-duration disturbances. Otherwise, over the frequency range 15 Hz to 150 kHz, the test stimuli are applied as continuous disturbances only. The normal duration for short duration disturbances at the electricity supply frequency is 1 second.
The CNxx coupling networks for test levels up to ± 300 V DC or 300 V AC in connection with test generators PGA 124x, PGA 133x and MGA 1033.

Coupling networks for powerline conductors and inputs/outputs (M-Type):
For each wire the coupling network for powerline conductors is made of a serious connection of a resistor and a capacitor. Coupling networks of each wire are connected to establish the coupling network of the corresponding M-type.

Coupling networks for signal/communication lines (Types T, AF, RJ):
For symmetrical, unshielded communication lines and similar lines the CN types T are used. For unbalanced, unshielded lines the CN types AF or RJ 45 types are used.

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Test level: 50 V cont., 300 V (1 sec per 60 sec) power frequency

For unshielded, unbalanced lines: AF2, AF4, AF8, AF12

- Frequency range: AC (15 Hz - 150 kHz ) / DC
- EUT / AE - port: 50 V / 0.5 A
- Number of lines: AF2 = 2, AF4 = 4, AF8 = 8, AF12 = 12

For unshielded power supply lines: (DC)M2/DC, M3/DC

- Frequency range: DC
- EUT / AE - Anschluss: 50 VAC/VDC / 32A
- Number of lines: M2 = 2, M3 = 4

For unshielded power supply lines: (AC): M2/AC, M3/AC, M4/AC, M5/AC

- Frequency range: 15 Hz - 150 kHz
- EUT / AE - Anschluss: 250 VAC/VDC / 32A
- Number of lines: M2 = 2, M3 = 3, M4 = 4, M5 = 5

For unshielded power supply lines: AC/DC: M2+M3 AC/DC

- Frequency range: DC, 15 Hz - 150 kHz
- EUT / AE - Anschluss: 250 VAC / 350 VDC / 32 A

For unscreened, balanced lines:  T2, T4, T8

- Frequency range: AC (15 Hz - 150 kHz ) / DC
- EUT / AE - port: 50 V / 0.5 A
- Number of lines: T2 = 2, T3 = 4, T8 = 8

For unscreened, balanced lines: RJ45

- Frequency range: AC (15 Hz - 150 kHz ) / DC 
- EUT / AE - port: 50 V / 0.5 A

For tests in accordance with EN 61558 in combination with the following isolating transformers:

  • IT-06: 1380 VA with shield winding between PRI and SEC; PRI: 230 V / 50-60 Hz; SEC: 230 V / 6 A; aluminum housing
  • IT-16: 3680 VA with shield winding between PRI and SEC; PRI: 230 V / 50-60 Hz; SEC: 230 V / 16 A; aluminum housing
  • IT-20: 4600 VA with shield winding between PRI and SEC; PRI: 230 V / 50-60 Hz; SEC: 230 V / 20 A; aluminum housing